Café Younes
Looking back, moving forward – Lebanon, KSA
2010 - Ongoing
  • Work Overview
  • Rebranding
  • 75th Anniversary
  • Space and Signage
  • Packaging
  • Communication

At the time of the mission, Café Younes was in the middle of expanding into multiple outlets with different spatial scenarios. In order to address this complexity, a variable signage materials scheme was adopted to tailor each outlet’s signs to the space in which they are found. Wooden hanging signs blend nicely in the urban neighborhood, stainless steel light boxes stand out in an indoor mall, and gold vinyl ornaments glass surfaces in reference to classical sign painting practices. With engraved zinc interior signage, a history wall of collected old frames and an archival explosion on the coffee shop walls, the Café Younes spatial treatments are some of its most recognizable identity markers.

  • Work Overview
  • Rebranding
  • 75th Anniversary
  • Space and Signage
  • Packaging
  • Communication
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