During the final months of 2010, the largely industrial and predominantly modernist neighborhood around the Beirut Port witnessed the simultaneous opening of a group of high-end swanky outlets, a list which today includes IF fashion boutique, Maison Rabih Kayrouz, Karen Chekerdjian Store and Awān tea shop, among others. For three consecutive years, we designed invitation material for the end-of-year street party thrown by the District’s hip commercial occupants, maintaining an homage to that part of the city and its history throughout.
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For the opening event, illustrator Jana Traboulsi developed a representation of the street as a celebration of the locale. Only days after the opening, the streetscape significantly changed as it witnessed the complete destruction of one of its landmark buildings, and the illustration stands today as a valued documentation of what is no more.
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A year later, an e-vite maintaining the same illustration spirit of the previous year focuses on the shop façades and welcomes the latest addition to the District.
Illustration: Jana Traboulsi
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The invitation for 2012 reproduces an old blueprint of the site and overlays it with information about the now seven outlets occupying the District.
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