Organic and growing – Lebanon
2012 – Ongoing
  • Work Overview
  • Rebranding
  • Packaging
  • Communication

The objectives behind Biomass’s communication strategy are the following: maintain and build on the perception of Biomass as the leading grower and supplier of organic produce in Lebanon, position the brand as a provider of an expansive and expanding range of organic products, and widen the target audience by increasing interest in organic food. Tactically, these objectives were achieved by strengthening the brand through dedicated stands and corners at supermarkets, enhancing its presence in food-related events, cross-selling products on packaging, providing information to the public about the health and taste benefits of organic produce, and telling the inspiring story behind the Biomass family business. Using multiple channels and scales – from little packaging “talkies” to fully branded organic corners – the brand voices out what it’s all about.

  • Work Overview
  • Rebranding
  • Packaging
  • Communication
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