Alem & Associates
A new breed of lawyers – Beirut, Lebanon
2010 – Ongoing

Our traditional understanding of law practice in Lebanon is centered on a single lawyer rather than a group of practitioners with various specializations. In fact, the popular appellation is always law “office” and never law “firm”.  This usually causes design and any other attempt at creating a corporate image to fall into a generic framework – probably fully functional and often reassuringly familiar, but generic all the same. When we were commissioned to develop this identity, a clearly new form of law practice was emerging in the country: one that A&A not only belonged to, but was also helping shape. At the heart of this understated identity, preoccupied with elegance and classical aesthetics above everything else, is a typographic mark that proposes a distinctively integrated, almost effortless relationship between the A&A emblem abbreviation and the full name logotype. Albeit subtle, it is a play that distinguishes the forward practice it represents.

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